A View From The Edge

Changing My Name

August 13, 2021

What’s in a name? Sometimes nothing. Sometimes everything. Background When I was born, my name was Randolph Edouard Paulin. My birth father’s name was Edouard Paulin, so it is quite obvious where I got most of my name. But I…

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The Day That Changed My Life

August 7, 2021

Time The dark blanket gently lifts as I begin to awaken. Something is not right. The clock outside of the recovery room I am in is barely legible. As it comes into focus, it makes no sense. How can it…

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Thanks to an Old Friend

February 6, 2021
Thanks to Doug

Although I was eventually able to attend university, my path to a degree was not straight or overly well-lit. It was a maze with no overhead view of the next few turns or even if there were any turns ahead.…

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What a Wonderful World

May 17, 2020

It truly is a wonderful world. Given the current events swarming us, gobbling up all of our attention and cloaking us in multiple layers of fear, it may seem odd to say that world is wonderful, but let’s look at…

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How Old Would You Be…

September 29, 2019

Certain quotes grab my attention. One from Satchel Paige did just that. I had heard this quote a number of times before and although it caught my attention in the past, it didn’t really penetrate my superficial consciousness until recently.…

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The Ultimate Test

August 5, 2019
Test tubes

Whether we see it or not, it seems we are being tested all the time. Like so many others, my life has been full of tests. Tests, Tests and More Tests Most tests I recognized at the time of testing.…

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So Many Firsts

June 2, 2019

Like all of you, I have met with so many “firsts” in my life. Some are exciting – like the first time I road a two-wheeler. I was 5 years old and I decided to try my older cousin’s bike…

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The Dance Begins

May 12, 2019

I can’t dance that well. I shuffle my feet back and forth in a systematic flow of 4-6 moves, augmented with an occasional flail of my arms. It isn’t flashy or smooth and it certainly doesn’t attract the opposite sex.…

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Behind The Mask

April 14, 2019
Mask with lightning

Computers are amazingly consistent. Same input, same output. I work in the IT world. When investigating computer issues I often ask what has changed. The response I almost always hear is “nothing”. Whether or not the person I am talking…

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Dancing With Cancer

March 30, 2019
Dancing - decorative

I only have a limited amount of energy. This is not a confession of some weakness, but a simple fact (which applies to everyone, too). In many circumstances I can choose how to spend my energy such as going for…

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  • Changing My Name
    What’s in a name? Sometimes nothing. Sometimes everything. Background When I was born, my name was […]
  • The Day That Changed My Life
    Time The dark blanket gently lifts as I begin to awaken. Something is not right. The clock outside […]
  • Thanks to DougThanks to an Old Friend
    Although I was eventually able to attend university, my path to a degree was not straight or overly […]
  • What a Wonderful World
    It truly is a wonderful world. Given the current events swarming us, gobbling up all of our […]
  • How Old Would You Be…
    Certain quotes grab my attention. One from Satchel Paige did just that. I had heard this quote a […]
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