Teen Years

Starting the Downward Slide

September 15, 2018
Decorative - Downward Slide

Ken His name was Ken and he was my Big Brother. (No, this is not a reveal of someone hidden within our lineage – I was involved with Big Brothers when I was a young teen!) I was 14 when…

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Emotional Respite

September 9, 2018
Decorative - Banner

For many young people there is too much time spent trying to run from demons or fill voids within themselves. For some of the fortunate ones, someone will come along who will give them a rest from their inner turmoil…

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Tears of a Clown

September 1, 2018
Tears of a Clown - Decoration

Music Music has gone through a wild ride in my lifetime. From the mix of folk and rock in my early years to the choice of disco or punk rock in my late teens. Admittedly, I am out of touch…

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Thanks for Nothing and Everything

January 1, 2018
Emotionally Charged Man

Thank you. It took me a long time before I could say that to my step-father. The Cot We lived in a small 2-bedroom apartment until I was 14 years old. It served us very well, most of the time.…

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A Few Choices, My Destiny

December 17, 2017

We have to make decisions all the time, sometimes based on little information. Some experts say adults make over 35,000 decisions a day – with nearly 250 of those on food alone! Obviously a very large portion of those we…

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