A View From The Edge

My Favourite Tree

January 28, 2018
A small boy on a swing

The Tree I loved that tree. It was tucked away in the back corner of the small parking lot of our apartment. About 4 feet up from the bottom, the tree split into 2 large trunks. It created a great…

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A Tale of New Names

January 7, 2018
Title picture for I've got a name

I wanted to change my name at least twice in the past. Grade 2 In grade two I asked my mom if I could change my name. I was a big Superman fan and I had some plans. My mom…

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Thanks for Nothing and Everything

January 1, 2018
Emotionally Charged Man

Thank you. It took me a long time before I could say that to my step-father. The Cot We lived in a small 2-bedroom apartment until I was 14 years old. It served us very well, most of the time.…

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A Few Choices, My Destiny

December 17, 2017

We have to make decisions all the time, sometimes based on little information. Some experts say adults make over 35,000 decisions a day – with nearly 250 of those on food alone! Obviously a very large portion of those we…

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The Day The Regrets Died

December 10, 2017
No regrets

It seems that there are a lot of people who believe in time travel. I used to be one of those. Unfortunately, too many of us swim in regrets. We wish things would have been different, that someone had treated…

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I Shouldn’t Be Here

December 1, 2017
Shadow of man on a beach

I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be writing this blog. I shouldn’t be here sitting in this chair, sipping this coffee. I shouldn’t be basking in the insanity that a home filled with kids, animals and love brings. I shouldn’t…

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